Asynchronous IO: the next billion-dollar mistake?

Asynchronous IO (also known as "non-blocking IO") is a technique applications use to allow performing of many IO operations without blocking the calling OS thread, and without needing to spawn many threads (i.e. one thread per operation). In the late 1990s/early 2000s, an increasing amount of people using the internet meant an increasing amount of traffic web services needed to handle, better known as the C10K problem.

Using asynchronous IO to approach this problem appears compelling: it allows you to handle many connections at once, without needing to increase the number of OS threads. This is especially compelling if you consider that support for good multi-threading was still a hit a miss at the time. For example, Linux didn't have good support for threads until the 2.6 release in December 2003.

Since then the use of and support for asynchronous IO has grown. Languages such as Go and Erlang bake support for asynchronous IO directly into the language, while others such as Rust rely on third-party libraries such as Tokio.

Inko, a language that I'm working on, also includes built-in support for asynchronous IO. Similar to Go and Erlang, this is hidden from the user. For example, when reading from a socket there's no need to explicitly poll or "await" anything, as the language takes care of it for you:

import (IpAddress)
import (TcpClient)

class async Main {
  fn async main {
    let client = IpAddress.v4(1, 1, 1, 1), port: 80).or_panic(
      'failed to connect',

      .write_string('GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n')
      .or_panic('failed to write the request')


If the write would block, Inko's scheduler sets aside the calling process and reschedules it when the write can be performed without blocking. Other languages use a different mechanism, such as callbacks or async/await. Each approach comes with its own set of benefits, drawbacks and challenges.

Not every IO operation can be performed in a non-blocking manner though. File IO is perhaps the best example of this: at least on Linux, files are always available for reads and writes, meaning the use of the system's polling mechanism (e.g. epoll) is useless. This means you need some sort of alternative strategy to deal with such operations taking a long time and blocking the calling thread in the process.

Using io_uring is another approach, but it's a recent addition to Linux, specific to Linux (meaning you need a fallback for other platforms), and disabled entirely by some. Either way, the point still stands: you end up having to handle sockets and files (and potentially other types of "files") differently.

For example, Inko handles this by the standard library signalling to the scheduler it's about to perform a potentially blocking operation. The scheduler periodically checks threads in a "we might be blocking" state. If the thread is in such a state for too long, it's flagged as "blocking" and a backup thread is woken up to take over its work. When the blocked thread finishes its work, it reschedules the process it was running and becomes a backup thread itself. While this works, it limits the amount of blocking IO operations you can perform concurrently to the number of backup threads you have. Automatically adding and removing threads can improve things, but increases the complexity of the system.

In 2009, Tony Hoare stated that his invention of NULL pointers was something he considers a "billion-dollar mistake" due to the problems and headaches it brought with it. The more I work on systems that use asynchronous IO, the more I wonder: is asynchronous IO the next billion-dollar mistake?

More specifically, what if instead of spending 20 years developing various approaches to dealing with asynchronous IO (e.g. async/await), we had instead spent that time making OS threads more efficient, such that one wouldn't need asynchronous IO in the first place?

To illustrate, consider the Linux kernel today: spawning an OS thread takes somewhere between 10 and 20 microseconds (based on my own measurements), while a context switch takes somewhere in the range of 1-2 microseconds. This becomes a problem when you want to spawn many threads such that each blocking operation is performed on its own thread. Not only do you need many OS threads, but the time to start them can also vary greatly, and the more OS threads you have the more context switches occur. The end result is that while you certainly can spawn many OS threads, performance will begin to deteriorate as the number of threads increases.

Now imagine a parallel universe where instead of focusing on making asynchronous IO work, we focused on improving the performance of OS threads such that one can easily use hundreds of thousands of OS threads without negatively impacting performance (= the cost to start threads is lower, context switches are cheaper, etc). In this universe, asynchronous IO and async/await wouldn't need to exist (or at least wouldn't be as widely used). You need to handle 100 000 requests that perform a mixture of IO and CPU bound work? Just use 100 000 threads and let the OS handle it.

Not only would this offer an easier mental model for developers, it also leads to a simpler stack. Libraries such as epoll and kqueue wouldn't need to exist, as one would just start a new OS thread for their blocking/polling needs. Need to call a C function that may block the calling thread? Just run it on a separate thread, instead of having to rely on some sort of mechanism provided by the IO runtime/language to deal with blocking C function calls.

Unfortunately, we do not live in such a universe. Instead in our universe the cost of OS threads is quite high, and inconsistent across platforms. Which brings me back to Tony Hoare: over the decades, we invested a massive amount of resources in dealing with asynchronous IO, perhaps billions of dollars worth of resources. Was that a mistake and should we have instead invested that into improving the performance of OS threads? I think so, but until an operating system comes along that dramatically improves the performance of threads , becomes as popular as Linux, and is capable of running everything you can run on Linux or provide better alternatives (such that people will actually want to switch), we're stuck with asynchronous IO.