How to write a code formatter

Ask ten developers how they think a certain piece of code should be formatted, and you'll likely get ten different opinions. Worse, these opinions are almost never based on facts. Instead, when you ask why they prefer style X over Y the answer is almost always the equivalent of "I just do".

What if we could sidestep this entire debate and let a computer decide for us? No, I'm not talking about asking ChatGPT to format your code for you, I'm talking about "code formatters".

A code formatter is a program that takes your source code as its input, formats it using a particular style and then writes it back to disk or STDOUT. While such tools have existed for a long time, their usage has become increasingly more popular in the last 15 years or so. Go's gofmt in particular appears to have been a driving force behind the move towards using code formatters more, as many popular formatters in use today started showing up in the years following the release of gofmt. To illustrate, here's a short list of various formatters that appear to be reasonably popular, along with the year in which they were first introduced:

FormatterLanguageFirst introduced in
prettierJavaScript, HTML, and more2016
Standard RubyRuby12018
mix formatElixir2017
inko fmtInko22024

I suspect it's not so much that gofmt in itself is a particular noteworthy formatter (other than not allowing you to configure it in any way, as it should be), but rather that Go itself is incredibly popular and thus subjected many developers to the beauty of not having to worry about manually formatting your code. This then caught on over time, resulting in an increase in the number of available code formatters since the introduction of gofmt.

So how do you actually build a code formatter? Does it require decades of experience working with Haskell and mastering the ways of the monad? Or maybe you have to read hundreds of computer science papers to understand the deeper meaning of the lambda? What about acquiring a crippling student debt by studying at MIT for four years in an attempt to better understand computer science as a whole?

No, writing a decent code formatter is in fact straightforward, it just isn't explained in a simple way, like so many other topics in computer science. Lucky for you, I recently spent several weeks writing a code formatter for Inko, so naturally I'm now an expert on everything related to code formatting.

The setup we'll take a look at in this article is based on Inko's formatter, which in turn is based on Prettier and the paper "A prettier printer" (which Prettier is also based on, if I'm not mistaken). The paper itself is somewhat mundane and I've already forgotten 80% of it, but the concept is deviously simple.

We'll be using Inko as the language of choice to show how to write a formatter, but it should be easy enough to translate the code into different languages.

Oh, and before I forget: if you're also interested in learning how pattern matching is implemented, take a look at this Git repository that contains two implementations in Rust. Like the code we'll discuss today, the Rust code is well documented and should be easy to understand. Fun fact: Gleam based its implementation of pattern matching on this exact code. Neat!

Table of contents

Nodes and trees

The basic idea of the formatter is as follows: we take an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of sorts, specifically one that includes comments, and convert that into a formatting tree. The formatting tree has various nodes, such as "just render this text" or "try to fit all sub nodes onto a single line". After constructing the tree, we visit each node and render it to a string. The resulting string is then written to a file or STDOUT.

Our tree will be created using a sum type, or "enum". In Inko, you define an enum as follows:

class enum Letter {
  case A
  case B
  case C

The Rust equivalent is the following:

enum Letter {

In Inko, enum cases can wrap values when defined like so:

class enum Option[T] {
  # This case stores some value of type "T", whatever that is.
  case Some(T)
  case None

In Inko, you create an instance of an enum like so:


For our tree, we'll start with the basic definition:

class enum Node {}

Now let's look at the different nodes we'll need.


The two most basic nodes of our tree are Text(value) and Unicode(value, size).

The Text node stores an ASCII string (e.g. keywords in your language), while the Unicode node stores a string containing one or more multi-byte characters, along with its size expressed as the number of extended grapheme clusters. The size for Unicode nodes is cached because depending on the structure of our tree, we may end up having to calculate the width of such a node multiple times. Since counting grapheme clusters is an O(n) operation, caching this value speeds things up a bit.

We define these nodes as follows:

class enum Node {
  case Text(String)
  case Unicode(String, Int)

The String arguments store the string to render, while the Int argument is used to store the number of extended grapheme clusters. For the Unicode node we'll also add a helper method to make constructing them a little easier:

class enum Node {
  case Text(String)
  case Unicode(String, Int)

  fn static unicode(value: String) -> Node {
    # `value.chars` returns an iterator over the extended grapheme clusters,
    # and `count` simply counts them.
    Node.Unicode(value, value.chars.count)

Using this method, we construct the Unicode nodes as follows:

Node.unicode('this is the string to render')

Whitespace and indentation

For handling whitespace and indentation we'll define three nodes: SpaceOrLine, Line, and Indent.

SpaceOrLine is a node that renders to a space if it resides in a group that doesn't need wrapping, and renders to a line when wrapping is needed.

Line is a node that renders to a new line if it resides in a group that needs wrapping, otherwise it renders to nothing.

Indent(nodes) is a node that renders one or more nodes, indenting each new line, but only if it resides in a group that for which wrapping is needed.

In Inko, we define these nodes like so:

class enum Node {
  case SpaceOrLine
  case Line
  case Indent(Array[Node])

To help understand these nodes and when to use them, consider the following array we want to format:

[100, 200]

We'll construct the following tree to format this array:

# I'll explain what "Group" is in just a moment.

When no wrapping is needed, the array is rendered as-is, because Line is rendered to nothing, Indent only indents when wrapping is needed, and SpaceOrLine renders to a space. When wrapping is needed, the array is rendered as follows:


Grouping nodes

To group nodes together, we can use one of two nodes: Group or Nodes.

Group(id, nodes) is a collection of nodes that we try to fit onto the current line. If this doesn't fit, each sub node is placed on its own line. Each group has an ID (just a number in the range 0 <= id <= N) unique to the document that we're formatting.

When nesting Group nodes (e.g. Group -> something else -> Group), the need for wrapping is checked on a per group basis. This means that if an outer Group requires wrapping, this doesn't immediately force all child groups to also wrap.

Nodes(nodes) is a collection of nodes that we just render without any special handling. This makes it easier code wise to have certain helper functions that produce multiple nodes that we just want to concatenate together.

We define these nodes like so:

class enum Node {
  case Group(Int, Array[Node])
  case Nodes(Array[Node])

The Int argument is the group ID, while the Array[Node] arguments store the child nodes.

When constructing the Group nodes we'll need to keep track of the next ID to use. This is done by storing a counter somewhere, taking the existing value for the new Group, followed by incrementing it:

let id = the_id_counter

the_id_counter += 1
Node.Group(id, nodes)

In Inko we can shorten this to the following:

Node.Group(the_id_counter := the_id_counter + 1, nodes)

The := operator assigns the variable a new value, returning the previous value. In contrast, the = operator discards the old value.

Conditional formatting

The last node we'll introduce is the IfWrap(id, A, B) node. This is a node that renders node A if the group using ID id needs to be wrapped, otherwise it renders node B.

Using the array example shown earlier, we can use this node to add a trailing comma when wrapping is necessary by using this tree:

        Node.IfWrap(0, Node.Text(','), Node.Text(''))

When wrapping is needed, the array is now rendered as follows:


Computing widths

When formatting trees, we need to know how many characters a node occupies on the current line, as this is used to determine if wrapping is needed. This means we'll need a method to compute the width of a Node, which we'll define as follows:

class enum Node {

  fn width(wrapped: ref Set[Int]) -> Int {
    match self {
      case Nodes(nodes) or Group(_, nodes) or Indent(nodes) -> {
        Int.sum( (n) { n.width(wrapped) }))
      case IfWrap(id, node, _) if wrapped.contains?(id) -> node.width(wrapped)
      case IfWrap(_, _, node) -> node.width(wrapped)
      case Text(str) -> str.size
      case Unicode(_, chars) -> chars
      case SpaceOrLine -> 1
      case _ -> 0

The wrapped argument is an immutable borrow of a hash set containing the IDs of all groups that we've processed thus far and that needed to be wrapped. The return value is the width as an integer. In the body we pattern match against the current node (self). For nodes that contain other nodes, such as Nodes and Group, the width is the sum of the widths of all child nodes.

For IfWrap we have to calculate the width differently based on whether wrapping is needed or not. This is also why we can't compute the width once and cache it: the width for a deeply nested node may change based on the wrapping needs of parent nodes.

For Text we use String.size to get the size in bytes (which happens to also be its character count, as Text nodes only store ASCII text), while for Unicode nodes we use the pre-computed grapheme cluster count.

The implementation is a recursive algorithm instead of an iterative one, mainly for the sake of simplicity and because it's good enough due to formatting trees typically not being that deeply nested.

The final result is as follows:

class enum Node {
  case Group(Int, Array[Node])
  case Nodes(Array[Node])
  case IfWrap(Int, Node, Node)
  case Text(String)
  case Unicode(String, Int)
  case SpaceOrLine
  case Line
  case Indent(Array[Node])

  fn static unicode(value: String) -> Node {
    Node.Unicode(value, value.chars.count)

  fn width(wrapped: ref Set[Int]) -> Int {
    match self {
      case Nodes(nodes) or Group(_, nodes) or Indent(nodes) -> {
        Int.sum( (n) { n.width(wrapped) }))
      case IfWrap(id, node, _) if wrapped.contains?(id) -> node.width(wrapped)
      case IfWrap(_, _, node) -> node.width(wrapped)
      case Text(str) -> str.size
      case Unicode(_, chars) -> chars
      case SpaceOrLine -> 1
      case _ -> 0

Tracking the need for wrapping

When traversing the formatting tree, we need to record if wrapping is needed or not for a particular sub tree. To do so, we'll introduce a Wrap enum that can be in one of two states: Enable, meaning wrapping is needed, or Detect meaning we need to detect it based on the width. Detect is the default state:

class enum Wrap {
  case Enable
  case Detect

  fn enable? -> Bool {
    match self {
      case Enable -> true
      case _ -> false

The Wrap.enable? method is added to make it a little easier to check if wrapping is needed, without having to manually pattern match against the Wrap enum.

Lowering ASTs into formatting trees

To lower the AST into a formatting tree, we'll need a type that visits the nodes in the AST and returns their corresponding Node values. We'll also need a type that takes a Node and converts it to formatted source code as a string, along with tracking the necessary state such as line lengths. For this we'll introduce two types: Builder and Generator.

The Builder type is used to define the necessary methods for visiting the AST nodes, returning their corresponding Node values. The Generator type is used to convert those Node values to strings.

For the sake of simplicity, we'll restrict the code shown in this article to handling simple function calls, text literals and strings.

The Generator type

The basic layout of the Generator type is as follows:

class Generator {
  # This field is the buffer we'll write our formatted code into.
  let @buffer: StringBuffer

  # This field tracks the indentation levels, not the number of indentation
  # characters (i.e. if you use 2 spaces for indentation, you increment this
  # field by one).
  let @indent: Int

  # The number of characters/extended grapheme clusters on the current line.
  let @size: Int

  # The maximum number of characters we allow per line. If your formatter
  # doesn't allow users to change this value, you probably want to turn this
  # into a constant instead.
  let @max: Int

  # A hash set containing all the groups that need to be wrapped.
  let @wrapped: Set[Int]

  fn static new(max: Int) -> Generator {
    Generator {
      @buffer =,
      @indent = 0,
      @size = 0,
      @max = max,
      @wrapped =,

StringBuffer is a type that we can push String values in and concatenate together, without producing intermediate String values.

To use this type, we define a generate method that takes a Node, renders it to a String and stores the String in the buffer of the Generator type:

class Generator {

  fn mut generate(node: Node) {
    node(node, ref Wrap.Detect)

  fn mut node(node: Node, wrap: ref Wrap) {


The generate method just calls the node method with a default value for the wrap argument. If your language of choice supports default arguments, this won't be necessary and you can instead merge the two methods into a single method.

Inko uses single ownership for memory management. The generate method takes over ownership of the Node passed to it, because the type of the node argument is Node and not e.g. ref Node (which is an immutable borrow). The expression ref Wrap.Detect creates an instance of the Wrap.Detect case, then passes an immutable borrow of that value to the node method. This borrow is valid until we return from the call to node.

Before we implement the node method, we'll add two helper methods to the Generator type and define a constant containing the characters to use for indenting lines:

let INDENT = '  '

class Generator {

  fn mut text(value: String, chars: Int) {
    @size += chars

  fn mut new_line {
    @size = INDENT.size * @indent
    @indent.times(fn (_) { @buffer.push(INDENT) })

In Inko, both single and double quoted string literals support escape sequences such as \n and \t. In fact, they are exactly the same. In other languages (e.g. Rust) you likely need to use double quotes, so keep that in mind.

The text method adds a String of chars extended grapheme clusters to the buffer. The new_line method adds a new line such, while making sure to indent the new line. The INDENT constant defines the characters to use for indenting lines. In this case we're using two spaces, but it could be four spaces, a tab, a tab and three spaces, or something else.

Now we can take a look at the node method. We'll start with the basic structure, then step through rendering each node one by one:

fn mut node(node: Node, wrap: ref Wrap) {
  match node {
    case Nodes(nodes) -> {}
    case Group(id, nodes) -> {}
    case IfWrap(id, node, _) if @wrapped.contains?(id) -> {}
    case IfWrap(_, _, node) -> {}
    case Text(str) -> {}
    case Unicode(str, width) -> {}
    case Line if wrap.enable? -> {}
    case SpaceOrLine if wrap.enable? -> {}
    case SpaceOrLine -> {}
    case Indent(nodes) if wrap.enable? -> {}
    case Indent(nodes) -> {}
    case _ -> {}

If you're having a hard time understanding Inko's pattern matching syntax, you can learn more about it in the documentation.

Rendering Nodes

Rendering the Nodes node is easy: we iterate over the child nodes, and render them individually. Similar to the Node.width method we'll be using a recursive algorithm. While you can turn this into an iterative algorithm, it gets a bit tricky and I'm not sure it would actually perform better in practice. The code for rendering Nodes is as follows:

fn mut node(node: Node, wrap: ref Wrap) {
  match node {
    case Nodes(nodes) -> nodes.into_iter.each(fn (n) { node(n, wrap) })

Inko doesn't have for loops, instead you use iterators and closures. nodes.into_iter moves the nodes Array into an iterator over the Node values. We then use the each method of the iterator type to call node for each value.

Rendering Group

Rendering Group nodes is where things get interesting. First, we need to calculate the width of the child nodes, then we need to check if we can fit them onto the current line. If so, we'll do just that, otherwise we'll render each child node on its own line:

fn mut node(node: Node, wrap: ref Wrap) {
  match node {
    case Group(id, nodes) -> {
      let width = Int.sum( (n) { n.width(@wrapped) }))
      let wrap = if @size + width > @max {
      } else {

      nodes.into_iter.each(fn (n) { node(n, wrap) })

Let's break this down, starting with this line:

let width = Int.sum( (n) { n.width(@wrapped) }))

This iterates over the child nodes (without taking ownership, hence the use of iter and not into_iter), computes the width for each node, then sums up the result using Int.sum(). Note how we pass the wrapped hash set to each call to width, this is needed so we can calculate the correct width based on the wrapping needs of any Group nodes.

Next, we see if the nodes fit on the current line:

let wrap = if @size + width > @max {
} else {

We check if the current line size plus the calculated width doesn't exceed the line limit. If it does, we track the current Group ID in the wrapped hash set, and use Wrap.Enable to signal wrapping of the child nodes is necessary, otherwise we use Wrap.Detect. We when render the child nodes, passing this Wrap value as an immutable borrow to each call to node:

nodes.into_iter.each(fn (n) { node(n, wrap) })

Performance wise it would be nice if we could somehow cache the output of width to speed things up a bit, but I haven't found a way of doing so. Fortunately, it shouldn't matter much as the resulting setup is fast enough. For example, Inko's code formatter can process around 240 000 lines per second using this exact algorithm, which is more than fast enough.

Rendering IfWrap

Rendering IfWrap nodes is straightforward: we check if the target group ID is in the wrapped set or not, and render the appropriate child node:

fn mut node(node: Node, wrap: ref Wrap) {
  match node {
    case IfWrap(id, node, _) if @wrapped.contains?(id) -> {
      node(node, Wrap.Enable)
    case IfWrap(_, _, node) -> node(node, wrap)

The if @wrapped bit is a pattern matching guard, so the body is only evaluated if both the pattern and the guard match.

Rendering Text and Unicode

Rendering of Text and Unicode nodes is straightforward:

fn mut node(node: Node, wrap: ref Wrap) {
  match node {
    case Text(str) -> text(str, str.size)
    case Unicode(str, width) -> text(str, width)

We use the text helper method defined earlier. For the Text node we use String.size to pass the byte size (and thus character, as Text is for ASCII-only text), and for Unicode nodes we pass the pre-computed extended grapheme clusters count.

Rendering whitespace

We render the various whitespace nodes (Line, SpaceOrLine and Indent) as follows:

fn mut node(node: Node, wrap: ref Wrap) {
  match node {
    case Line if wrap.enable? -> new_line
    case SpaceOrLine if wrap.enable? -> new_line
    case SpaceOrLine -> text(' ', chars: 1)
    case Indent(nodes) if wrap.enable? -> {
      @size += INDENT.size
      @indent += 1
      nodes.into_iter.each(fn (n) { node(n, wrap) })
      @indent -= 1
    case Indent(nodes) -> nodes.into_iter.each(fn (n) { node(n, wrap) })
    case _ -> {}

For Line and SpaceOrLine we call new_line if wrapping is necessary. If no wrapping is needed we ignore the Line node (covered by the wildcard _ pattern at the end), while a SpaceOrLine is turned into a single space by calling the text helper method.

For Indent nodes we first increment the line size, because we start indentation at the current line, then we increment the indent level (not the number of indent characters) and add the indentation text to the current line. We then render the child nodes, and reset the indentation level to its previous value.

Converting Generator into a String

Once we're done with the Generator type, we want to turn the internal buffer into a String we can write to a file or STDOUT. To make this easy, we'll implement the IntoString trait from the std.string module:

impl IntoString for Generator {
  fn pub move into_string -> String {

Given an instance of Generator, we can then use Generator.into_string to move the Generator into a String.

The final Generator type

Combining all this, our Generator type ends up looking like this:

class Generator {
  let @buffer: StringBuffer
  let @indent: Int
  let @size: Int
  let @max: Int
  let @wrapped: Set[Int]

  fn static new(max: Int) -> Generator {
    Generator {
      @buffer =,
      @indent = 0,
      @size = 0,
      @max = max,
      @wrapped =,

  fn mut generate(node: Node) {
    node(node, ref Wrap.Detect)

  fn mut node(node: Node, wrap: ref Wrap) {
    match node {
      case Nodes(nodes) -> nodes.into_iter.each(fn (n) { node(n, wrap) })
      case Group(id, nodes) -> {
        let width = Int.sum( (n) { n.width(@wrapped) }))
        let wrap = if @size + width > @max {
        } else {

        nodes.into_iter.each(fn (n) { node(n, wrap) })
      case IfWrap(id, node, _) if @wrapped.contains?(id) -> {
        node(node, Wrap.Enable)
      case IfWrap(_, _, node) -> node(node, wrap)
      case Text(str) -> text(str, str.size)
      case Unicode(str, width) -> text(str, width)
      case Line if wrap.enable? -> new_line
      case SpaceOrLine if wrap.enable? -> new_line
      case SpaceOrLine -> text(' ', chars: 1)
      case Indent(nodes) if wrap.enable? -> {
        @size += INDENT.size
        @indent += 1
        nodes.into_iter.each(fn (n) { node(n, wrap) })
        @indent -= 1
      case Indent(nodes) -> nodes.into_iter.each(fn (n) { node(n, wrap) })
      case _ -> {}

  fn mut text(value: String, chars: Int) {
    @size += chars

  fn mut new_line {
    @size = INDENT.size * @indent
    @indent.times(fn (_) { @buffer.push(INDENT) })

impl IntoString for Generator {
  fn pub move into_string -> String {

The Builder type

The Builder type is used to visit the AST and turn each AST node into its corresponding Node value. This is typically where most of the complexity resides, as it's where you'll deal with constructing your formatting rules, edge cases, and more. For the sake of keeping things easy to understand, our Builder type only supports simple function calls, string literals and regular text literals (e.g. simple integers).

We'll start with the basic definition of this type, which is as follows:

class Builder {
  let @id: Int

  fn static new -> Builder {
    Builder { @id = 0 }

  fn mut new_id -> Int {
    @id := @id + 1

The id field is used to keep track of the next ID to use for Group nodes. The new_id method is used to request a new ID and automatically update the id field.


For strings, we'll define a string method as follows:

class Builder {
  fn mut string(value: String) -> Node {
    Node.Group(new_id, [Node.Text('"'), Node.unicode(value), Node.Text('"')])

This method constructs a Group node that represents a double quoted string. While the argument it takes is a regular String in this example, in a real formatter this would be something along the lines of a StringLiteral AST node of sorts, containing the actual string value along with extra data (e.g. the source location).

Function calls

For function calls we'll define a call method with two argument names: the name as a String, and the argument nodes as an array of Node values:

class Builder {
  fn mut call(name: String, arguments: Array[Node]) -> Node {
    let id = new_id

    if arguments.empty? {
      return Node.Group(id, [Node.Text(name), Node.Text('()')])

    let max = arguments.size - 1
    let vals = arguments
      .map(fn (index_and_node) {
        match index_and_node {
          case (index, node) if index < max -> {
            Node.Nodes([node, Node.Text(','), Node.SpaceOrLine])
          case (_, node) -> {
            Node.Nodes([node, Node.IfWrap(id, Node.Text(','), Node.Text(''))])


We start of by requesting a new group ID, then we check if we have any arguments to process. If not, we return a simple Group node that renders to NAME() where NAME is the function name.

If we do have arguments, we turn the list of Node values into a comma separated list, with a trailing comma after the last value that only shows up if wrapping is necessary:

let max = arguments.size - 1
let vals = arguments
  .map(fn (index_and_node) {
    match index_and_node {
      case (index, node) if index < max -> {
        Node.Nodes([node, Node.Text(','), Node.SpaceOrLine])
      case (_, node) -> {
        Node.Nodes([node, Node.IfWrap(id, Node.Text(','), Node.Text(''))])

Here we turn arguments into an iterator over Node values, then we create a new iterator using with_index that yields values in the form of (index, value). We do this so we know when we're processing the last value, such that we can insert a trailing comma that only shows up when wrapping is necessary. Inko doesn't support pattern matching in closure arguments or let bindings at this stage, so we need to explicitly match the index_and_node tuple into its components.

The rest is straightforward: for all but the last argument we produce a Nodes that contains the value, followed by a comma and a SpaceOrLine node. For the last argument we instead produce a Node that contains the last argument followed by an IfWrap, which renders to a comma only when wrapping is necessary.

As map creates a new iterator (and everything is done lazily), we need to convert the result to an array using the to_array method, such that we can store the resulting array in a Node.

The Node returned is as follows:


This tree ensures that the opening parenthesis always comes after the name, no matter the formatting needs, and the closing parenthesis is placed on its own line when wrapping is necessary. If wrapping is necessary, we place each argument on its own line (as they are in a Group node), and each line is indented. The result is that if wrapping is necessary, expressions such as this:

foo(10000000000000000, 200000000000000000, 'this is a string')

Will be formatted like so:

  'this is a string',

Using the Generator and Builder types

With both types set up, we can use them like so:

# This creates a Generator that enforces a line length of 80 characters.
let gen =
let build =
let node =
        build.string('this is a string'),'without_arguments', []),


This produces the following output:

  bar(2000000000000000000000000000000, "this is a string", without_arguments()),

If we instead change the line limit to 120, the output is as follows instead:

foo(1000000000000000000000000000000, bar(2000000000000000000000000000000, "this is a string", without_arguments()))

And if we use a limit of 40, we get this instead:

    "this is a string",

Handling (trailing) comments

Upon publishing this article I got a question: how do you handle (trailing) comments using this formatting algorithm? Doing so isn't as complicated as one might think, and involves the following steps:

  1. Given a list of nodes to render (which may include comments), turn this list into an iterator that allows peeking of values without advancing the iterator (i.e. Peekable in Rust)
  2. Iterator over the nodes to render
  3. For each node, peek at the next node. If this node is a comment and starts on the same line at which the current node ends, advance the iterator and set the resulting node aside
  4. Render the current node
  5. Render a single space on the current line, take the comment node set aside earlier and render it. Because we advanced the iterator in step 3, the comment node won't be processed again
  6. Repeat this process for each expression

You can find an example of this idea here.

The caveat of this implementation is that the comment node may overflow the line limit. To solve this, you need to extend your formatter to support wrapping of comments. This gets complicated as you have to account for any special formatting included in the comment (e.g. Markdown code blocks) and make sure to not mess up their formatting. For Inko, I decided to keep things simple and not wrap comments where necessary, and instead leave this up to the developer.

Applying this to a real formatter

While what we've discussed so far is a simplified version of a real formatter, it's not too different from a real production code formatter. For example, Inko's own formatter uses the same setup discussed here, it just has some extra nodes to handle specific formatting needs, and has to handle things such as rendering string escape sequences in their literal form (i.e. \n is rendered as a literal \n and not an actual newline), and whatever formatting edge cases present themselves based on the formatting rules.

To put it differently, the setup discussed here gets you about 80% of the way, while the remaining 20% is spent handling edge cases based on your formatting needs. In case of Inko, I probably spent a week or two writing the initial formatter, followed by another two to three weeks of dealing with unexpected edge cases and careful tweaking of the output.

The final version of the code shown in this article, along with plenty of comments to help understand the code better, is found in this Git repository, which you can easily run by either installing Inko or by using Docker/Podman. If you want a more advanced example, consider taking a look at the code used by Inko's own formatter.

The code examples and the linked repository require the use of Inko's main branch, as the code depends on some changes that have yet to be released. Refer to the repository's README for more details.

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  1. In typical Ruby fashion, the community is seemingly unable to agree on a consistent code formatter to use, so it's not entirely clear how many actually use these formatters. RuboCop is widely used, but it's a linter and not just a style formatter.
  2. Yes, I'm advertising my own work. Bite me.