Not beating C with 96 lines of Inko

The article "Beating C with 80 Lines of Haskell" discusses writing a simplified version of wc using Haskell, and how it performs compared to the C implementation. This resulted in various other people writing the same program in different languages, and writing about doing so. At the time of writing, there are implementations for:

Today we will be taking a look at writing a similar program in Inko.

Benchmarking & setup

Several articles mentioned above include some benchmarking data, such as how long it takes to count the words of a file with a certain size (e.g. 1GB). While we will also discuss some benchmarking data, it's important to not focus on them too much. Instead, the numbers discussed below should be treated as rough estimates at best.

For this article we will be comparing the Inko implementation to GNU wc version 8.31, running on a 7th generation Thinkpad X1 Carbon. The CPU is a Intel Core i5-8265U. The CPU governor used is the "performance" governor, and the clock speed is 3.8 Ghz. The OS is Arch Linux running Linux kernel version 5.3.11. The storage device is an NVMe SSD.


Like the other implementations, our implementation expects ASCII input. We also won't implement any command-line options, or other features of wc. Our input set will be this file from the Haskell implementation. The file size is 6.2 MB.

For our Inko implementation we will take an approach to counting words similar to the Go (and other) implementations: we read our input into a byte array, in chunks of 64 KB. When we encounter a whitespace character, we set a flag and increment the line count. When we reach a non-whitespace character and the flag is set, we increment the word count and unset the flag. We repeat this until we have consumed all input bytes.

Importing our dependencies

Let's start by importing the types and modules we need:

import std::byte_array::ByteArray
import std::env
import std::fs::file
import std::pair::Pair
import std::process
import std::stdio::stdout
import std::string_buffer::StringBuffer

ByteArray stores a sequence of bytes, as actual bytes and not as (signed) integers. This means a ByteArray of 4 bytes needs 1 byte per value, instead of 8 bytes (when using an integer). This type is not imported by default, so we have to explicitly import it.

The module std::fs::file provides file IO types and methods. Inko uses different types for files based on the open mode, such as ReadOnlyFile for read-only files. We will see this in action later.

Pair is a binary tuple. We will use this so we don't have to define our own types for in several places.

Unlike languages such as Ruby, operations using STDERR, STDOUT, and STDIN require you to import the appropriate modules; instead of relying on global methods or types. The module std::stdio::stdout is used for writing to STDOUT.

Our last import is the importing of the StringBuffer type. Inko does not have string interpolation or formatting, so concatenating strings together (without producing intermediate strings) requires the use of the StringBuffer type. This is a bit clunky, but it's good enough for now.


Next we will define several constants that we need to access in several methods:

let MAIN = process.current
let NEWLINE = 10
let SPACE_RANGE = 9..13

The CONCURRENCY constant controls the number of processes we will spawn to count words. The simplest approach would be to spawn one process for every chunk. Since the work is purely CPU bound doing so doesn't improve performance if we end up spawning more processes than the number of CPU cores.

The MAIN constant stores an object containing information about the current process. All processes we spawn for counting words will send their results to this process.

The next three constants define some byte values: byte 10 is the Unix newline separator, byte 32 is a single space, and the range 9..13 covers all ASCII whitespace characters (newlines, tabs, etc). In Inko A..B creates an inclusive range from A to B.

Counting words

It's time to define the methods and types we need to count the words in a ByteArray, starting with two methods: space? and worker_loop:

def space?(byte: Integer) -> Boolean {
  SPACE_RANGE.cover?(byte).or { byte == SINGLE_SPACE }

def worker_loop {
  let chunk = process.receive as Chunk



The space? method returns True if the input byte is a whitespace character, such as a single space or a newline. Inko has no if/else/or/and statements, instead it uses messages, methods, and closures. Instead of writing A || B, you would write A.or { B }, where or is a message sent to A. The curly braces { B } denote a closure, which in this case returns whatever B is.

The worker_loop method is a tail-recursive method called by the processes that count words. Each loop the process will wait for an incoming message using process.receive. Sending messages to processes uses dynamic typing, and Inko is pretty strict about dynamic typing. For example, passing a dynamic type (Dynamic) as an argument does not work if a non-dynamic type (e.g. Integer) is expected. Sending messages to a dynamic type is fine, and will produce a new dynamic type. This means we could condense this method to the following:

def worker_loop {


The reason we don't do this is to make it more clear what input we expect in this method, and to prevent us from using the wrong method(s).

Inko supports tail call elimination, so our worker_loop method will not overflow the stack. We could also use a closure and send the loop message to it:

def worker_loop {
    let chunk = process.receive as Chunk


This achieves the same results and in fact loop is implemented using tail recursion. Since using tail recursion ourselves in this method requires a little less code we just use that, instead of using loop.

Now it's time to create an object used for counting words, which we will call Chunk. This type will hold some state, such as the bytes to process and the number of lines counted so far. We use a dedicated type so it's a bit easier to send input to the word counting processes, and so we can use tail recursion when iterating over the bytes to process. We define objects using the object keyword:

object Chunk {


Object attributes need to be defined explicitly when we define the object, so let's do that:

object Chunk {
  @previous_is_space: Boolean
  @bytes: ByteArray
  @lines: Integer
  @words: Integer
  @index: Integer

In Inko we define and refer to attributes using the syntax @NAME. The @ is part of the name, so it's valid to define both an attribute @foo and a method foo. When defining attributes we must also specify the type, such as Integer for the attribute @index. The attribute @previous_is_space is used to record if a previously processed byte was a whitespace character.

Now we need to define our initialiser method, which is always called init:

def init(previous_is_space: Boolean, bytes: ByteArray) {
  @previous_is_space = previous_is_space
  @bytes = bytes
  @lines = 0
  @words = 0
  @index = 0

This method just sets the attributes to the right value. If we forget to set an attribute in the init method, the compiler will produce an error.

We can now define a method to count words and lines, which we will creatively name "count":

def count -> Pair!(Integer, Integer) {
  let byte = @bytes[@index]

  byte.nil?.if_true {
    return, @words)

    true: {
      (byte == NEWLINE).if_true {
        @lines += 1

      @previous_is_space = True
    false: {
      @previous_is_space.if_true {
        @words += 1
        @previous_is_space = False

  @index += 1


That's quite a lot to take in, so let's break it down. We start by obtaining the current byte, and checking if it's Nil. Accessing an out of bounds index in a ByteArray is valid, and returns Nil. When this is the case we have consumed all input, and we can return the number of lines and words we have counted. Instead of creating a custom object to store the lines and words, we use the Pair type.

Remember that Inko does not have if statements, and instead uses messages and method calls. Here if_true is sent to the result of byte.nil?, and the closure passed as its argument will only be run if byte.nil? produced boolean true.

Next up we have the code that determines what to do with the current byte:

  true: {
    (byte == NEWLINE).if_true {
      @lines += 1

    @previous_is_space = True
  false: {
    @previous_is_space.if_true {
      @words += 1
      @previous_is_space = False

We use the space? method we defined earlier on, and pass it the current byte. We use byte! instead of just byte, as the type of byte is ?Integer (an Integer or Nil). Since space? expects an Integer, we have to cast our byte variable to the right type. Doing this by hand gets tedious, so Inko offers the ! postfix operator to do just that.

Once we have obtained the result of space?, we send the if message to it and pass two arguments: a closure to run when the receiver is true, and a closure for when the receiver is false. Here true: and false: are just keyword arguments used to clarify the purpose of the closures.

The last two lines are pretty simple: we just increment the byte index by 1, then tail recurse back into the count method.

Scheduling work

Now that we have our methods and types in place, we can start scheduling the work. We'll start by opening the file in read-only mode, making sure a file is actually provided:

env.arguments[0].nil?.if_true {
  process.panic('You must specify a file to process')

let path = env.arguments[0]!
let input = try! file.read_only(path)

env.arguments[0] returns the first command-line argument, or Nil if no there are no arguments. If this happens, we exit the program with a panic.

Our file is opened using file.read_only(path), which opens the file path points to in read-only mode. We use try! to cause a panic if the file could not be opened, since there isn't much we can do without being able to open the file.

Bored yet? No? Good, we're almost there!

Now it's time to start our worker processes, and to start scheduling work:

let workers = do (_) { process.spawn { worker_loop } }.to_array

let mut bytes = 0
let mut words = 0
let mut lines = 0
let mut previous_is_space = True
let mut jobs = 0
let buffer =

The workers assignment is the most interesting. The bit creates an iterator that runs 8 times (since we set CONCURRENCY to 8), mapping the input value (an integer ranging from 0 to 7) to the result of process.spawn. Since we don't care about the input integer, we define the argument name as _. We then collect the results into an Array using the to_array message. Each spawned process runs the worker_loop method, until the program is finished. The other variables are not interesting, so let's skip those.

We will divide work across the processes in a round-robin fashion, until we run out of bytes to read. Every process is given a chunk of equal size:

  try! input.read_bytes(bytes: buffer, size: CHUNK_SIZE).positive?
}.while_true {
  workers[jobs % workers.length]
    .send( previous_is_space, bytes: buffer))

  previous_is_space = space?(buffer[-1]!)

  bytes += buffer.length
  jobs += 1


We create a closure that returns the result of input.read_bytes(...).positive?, which is a boolean. The result of input.read_bytes(...) is an integer signaling the number of bytes read. If the operation fails, we panic (by using the try! keyword). The method read_bytes reads bytes into a provided ByteArray, instead of returning a ByteArray.

while_true is a message sent to this closure, and will run its argument (also a closure) as long as the receiver returns boolean true.

Work is balanced across processes by sending the chunks to processes:

workers[jobs % workers.length]
  .send( previous_is_space, bytes: buffer))

The expression jobs % workers.length produces an integer/index between zero and the last index in the workers array. Since the workers Array stores Process objects, we can just send send to them to have the message (a Chunk object in this case) sent to the process.

Since we perform work in parallel, we have to determine if a chunk follows whitespace when scheduling them. We do this using previous_is_space = space?(buffer[-1]!). Inko allows you to access negative indexes of Array and ByteArray types, which translate to indexes from the end of the list. In other words, the index -1 accesses the last element in the list.

After this we just increment the number of bytes read, the number of jobs scheduled, and we clear our buffer. We reuse the same ByteArray so we don't have to create a new one for every 64 KB of bytes that we read.

Now we can wait for all the results to be sent back from our workers, then present them:

{ jobs.positive? }.while_true {
  let count = process.receive as Pair!(Integer, Integer)

  lines += count.first
  words += count.second

  jobs -= 1

  ' ',
  ' ',
  ' ',
  ' ',

Here we wait for incoming messages, cast them to the right type (a Pair of the number of lines and words), then add the results to the total number of lines and words. Lastly, we present the results by writing them to STDOUT.

Our final version looks like this:

import std::byte_array::ByteArray
import std::env
import std::fs::file
import std::pair::Pair
import std::process
import std::stdio::stdout
import std::string_buffer::StringBuffer

let MAIN = process.current
let NEWLINE = 10
let SPACE_RANGE = 9..13
let CHUNK_SIZE = 64 * 1024

def space?(byte: Integer) -> Boolean {
  SPACE_RANGE.cover?(byte).or { byte == SINGLE_SPACE }

def worker_loop {
  let chunk = process.receive as Chunk



object Chunk {
  @previous_is_space: Boolean
  @bytes: ByteArray
  @lines: Integer
  @words: Integer
  @index: Integer

  def init(previous_is_space: Boolean, bytes: ByteArray) {
    @previous_is_space = previous_is_space
    @bytes = bytes
    @lines = 0
    @words = 0
    @index = 0

  def count -> Pair!(Integer, Integer) {
    let byte = @bytes[@index]

    byte.nil?.if_true {
      return, @words)

      true: {
        (byte == NEWLINE).if_true {
          @lines += 1

        @previous_is_space = True
      false: {
        @previous_is_space.if_true {
          @words += 1
          @previous_is_space = False

    @index += 1


env.arguments[0].nil?.if_true {
  process.panic('You must specify a file to process')

let path = env.arguments[0]!
let input = try! file.read_only(path)

let workers = do (_) { process.spawn { worker_loop } }.to_array

let mut bytes = 0
let mut words = 0
let mut lines = 0
let mut previous_is_space = True

let mut jobs = 0
let buffer =

  try! input.read_bytes(bytes: buffer, size: CHUNK_SIZE).positive?
}.while_true {
  workers[jobs % workers.length]
    .send( previous_is_space, bytes: buffer))

  previous_is_space = space?(buffer[-1]!)

  bytes += buffer.length
  jobs += 1


{ jobs.positive? }.while_true {
  let count = process.receive as Pair!(Integer, Integer)

  lines += count.first
  words += count.second

  jobs -= 1

  ' ',
  ' ',
  ' ',
  ' ',


Let's start by running GNU wc to see how it performs:

$ time -f "%es %MKB" wc big.txt
 128457 1095695 6488666 big.txt
0.03s 2136KB

This only took 0.03 seconds (30 milliseconds), and used a peak RSS of 2.08 MB. Not bad!

Now let's see how our Inko implementation performs:

$ time -f "%es %MKB" inko wc.inko big.txt
 128457 1095695 6488666 big.txt
8.34s 260272KB

Ouch! Our implementation uses a peak RSS of 254 MB, and takes 8.34 seconds to count the words and lines. What's going on here? Is our implementation bad, or is Inko just slow?

Well, sort of. Our implementation isn't bad at all. Maybe it would be a bit nicer if we wouldn't have to use the StringBuffer type, but apart from that there is not a lot worth changing. Instead, the problem is Inko. More precisely, the complete lack of optimisations applied by Inko's compiler.

Optimisations, or lack thereof

When creating a programming language you need a compiler to compile your language. The first compiler thus needs to be written in a different language. For Inko I opted to use Ruby since it's widely available, and a language I have worked with for almost ten years. The goal is to rewrite Inko's compiler in Inko itself, something that is actively worked on.

Because we want to replace the Ruby compiler with a compiler written in Inko, we spent little time on adding optimisations to the Ruby compiler. In fact, the only optimisations it applies are:

  1. Tail call elimination
  2. Replacing keyword arguments passed in-order with positional arguments

Other languages typically perform some form of method inlining, constant folding, optimising certain method calls into specialised instructions (e.g. translating A + B into something that doesn't require a method call), etc. Inko's current compiler does none of that, producing code that does not perform as well as it should.

Closure allocations

This brings us to the main problem of our implementation: closure allocations. Specifically, the use of closures instead of statements such as if and while. Allocating a closure is not that expensive, but in our implementation of wc we are allocating a lot. Our count method alone will create at least five closures for every byte. For a 64 KB chunk that results in a total of 327 680 closures. More allocations also means more garbage collections. While we can reuse memory after a collection, collections still take up time.

To combat this we plan to add an optimisation pass to the self-hosting compiler that will eliminate closure allocations where possible. For example, cases such as if_true and if_false can be optimised to not use closures at all. It's hard to say how big the impact of this would be on our wc implementation, but I would not be surprised if we can cut the runtime in half; or maybe reduce it even more.

Garbage collection performance

Another problem we are running into is that Inko's garbage collector is spending far more time tracing objects than should be necessary. Under normal circumstances Inko's garbage collector is able to trace lots of objects in less than one millisecond, but for our wc implementation it can take several milliseconds to trace 20-30 objects. We can see this by running our wc implementation while setting the environment variable INKO_PRINT_GC_TIMINGS to true (some output is removed to keep things readable):

$ env INKO_PRINT_GC_TIMINGS=true time -f "%es %MKB" inko wc.inko big.txt
[0x7fb240004ec0] GC in 2.528122ms, 28 marked, 0 promoted, 0 evacuated
[0x7fb240004670] GC in 15.437073ms, 28 marked, 0 promoted, 0 evacuated
[0x7fb240005630] GC in 28.714244ms, 28 marked, 0 promoted, 0 evacuated
[0x7fb240007440] GC in 30.711002ms, 28 marked, 0 promoted, 0 evacuated

This even happens when we limit the number of tracing threads to 1, instead of the default of half the number of CPU cores:

    INKO_PRINT_GC_TIMINGS=true time -f "%es %MKB" inko wc.inko big.txt
[0x7fdbfc005dd0] GC in 581.006µs, 28 marked, 0 promoted, 0 evacuated
[0x7fdbfc005630] GC in 2.047803ms, 28 marked, 0 promoted, 0 evacuated
[0x7fdbfc007bb0] GC in 918.097µs, 28 marked, 0 promoted, 0 evacuated
[0x7fdbfc004ec0] GC in 1.104836ms, 28 marked, 0 promoted, 0 evacuated

The timings may be a bit better, but they are still pretty bad given we end up only marking a small number of objects. Take the following program as an example:

object Thing {}

let things = do (_) { }.to_array

1_000_000.times.each do (integer) {

Here we create an array containing 28 Thing instances, which we keep around. We then create one million float objects, which are heap allocated. If we run this with the INKO_PRINT_GC_TIMINGS variable set, the output is as follows:

$ env INKO_PRINT_GC_TIMINGS=true inko foo.inko
[0x5620ad17df70] GC in 523.047µs, 44 marked, 0 promoted, 0 evacuated
[0x5620ad17df70] GC in 480.612µs, 46 marked, 0 promoted, 0 evacuated
[0x5620ad17df70] GC in 493.339µs, 63 marked, 43 promoted, 0 evacuated
[0x5620ad17df70] GC in 552.766µs, 9 marked, 0 promoted, 0 evacuated

These timings are much closer to what one would expect.

It's not quite clear yet what is causing this slowdown. Based on some profiling using Valgrind I suspect the crossbeam library (which we use in the garbage collector) is to blame, as Valgrind's data suggests most time is spent in crossbeam code; even though the code should be fast. The crossbeam types we use rely on an epoch based garbage collection mechanism, and per this crossbeam RFC it seems this may not work too well when spawning lots of short-lived threads; as is done when tracing objects.

A possible solution would be to use a fixed-size thread pool for tracing objects, instead of spawning tracing threads on-demand. We do not use this approach at the moment because the current approach is easier to implement. An approach I have been thinking of is to give each collector thread its own pool of tracing threads, spawned when the collector threads first starts up. This approach means a tracing pool only ever collects a single process at a time, allowing us to pass certain data around once (= when starting the tracing), instead of having to pass it around with every new job that is scheduled. This is something I will have to take a look at in the coming weeks.

Wrapping up

We did not manage to beat C with Inko, but that was never the goal of this exercise. Instead, I merely wanted to showcase how one would approach the problem using Inko, and get more people interested in Inko as a result.

The optimisations discussed will be applied over time, gradually improving performance of Inko. One day we will also add a JIT, though I suspect it will take several years before we will have a JIT. The potential crossbeam bottleneck is also worth investigating.

I doubt a dynamic language such as Inko will be able to beat C, but if we can at least beat other dynamic languages (e.g. Ruby) that is good enough.

For more information about Inko, take a look at the Inko website or the Git repository. If you would like to sponsor the development of Inko with a small monthly contribution, please take a look at the sponsors page for more information.